Ever since you played the see saw in your childhood, the ups and downs just become a part of the epic life that we live. A simple game teaches you that there will be troubles in life as well as good times and you will be able to enjoy life only if you can maintain your balance.
This thought has crept in my mind these days as I see a lot of my friends going through the inevitable phase of consolidation. Many of them are concerned about what will happen and how will the future turn up. And as useless I am, it is my joblessness to advice on what to do now. Here goes…
Hey you! Yes you reading this post, wake up dude!
You just can’t spoil your present in worry of the future that you can’t control. It is very easy to think negatively but you have to believe that one day things will be on your side as well. If you lose heart today, how will you cash in on the few opportunities that will come your way?
You know that you deserve good things in life so enjoy whatever is there in the present. Your friends that are with you today will be busy building careers in a few months and this is probably the last time you will get a chance to have fun with them. Spend time with them, do the things you yearned to do, smile yaar… a few dimples won’t hurt your cheeks!
Believe in your dreams, coz that’s your identity. This is the time when you will be able to identify your true friends, use it to learn the lesson that life is trying to teach you.
When you die, you won’t be remembered for what company you worked for or for your academic excellence, you would be remembered by your friends for the good/bad times you shared and someone might add this compliment “he was a good person”.
I’m not saying that you just forget everything else to become a saint; I’m just requesting you to live your life normally under uncertainty. Try and find that balance of life and you will learn an important lesson that this b school is offering.
Hope you understand what I mean. “Duniyadaari ki bheed me insaaniyat mat bhulo yaar…”
Take care…